2021-01-19: Added Events in left menu to show old pilots info and stats.
2021-01-15: Sanitizing avatar and display name against XSS. Level-dependant hints dimmer ready!
2020-11-30: Minor fixes.
2020-11-19: Demo pages fully translated.
2020-11-18: New home page attempt (#demo). New video appended to home page carousel.
October2020-10-23: User activity log implemented (aka History).
2020-10-21: PopUps fixing. Adding proposed actions to "not enough points" message.
2020-10-19: Multiple pilot popUps implemented.
2020-10-12: Compacting large images (>100KB). Added SaferInternet4Kids pilots popUp
September2020-09-29: Details modal design v3 implemented.
2020-09-25: Pilots addition, fixing some bugs reported by fgeo.
2020-09-24: Details improved and extended to include annotation badges. Fooling around with widths in annotator screen to improve small screen behavior. Documented Task 10. Handling "WHOLE_DOCUMENT".
2020-09-16: Improving Relevant Articles. Fixed rest of Elias' remarks. Made some wishes from wishlist true.
2020-09-15: Added "Select entire policy to annotate" functionality! Fixed 1,2,3,5 Elias' remarks.
2020-09-11: Added "Select more than one permission" functionality!
2020-09-08: Added small shield in home title for mobile. Save annotations is only enabled when annotations exist.
2020-09-03: Translated tours 100%. Better handling back button. Added legends in stats. Improving tours.
2020-09-02: Fixing issues detected by internal testers (mostly about tours-annotator-url evidence)
2020-09-01: Fixing issues detected by internal testers (mostly about tours-annotator-url evidence)
August2020-08-26: Fixing a couple of bugs that came up (category bug by Jch, no snackbar bug, details annotation bug). Adding PFS in permissions score and live updating it on annotations save.
2020-08-14: Simplify button added.
2020-08-13: Slight change in how user is deleted or deactivated to adapt to backend changes. Download your history functionality added!
2020-08-12: Details ready!
2020-08-11: Details redesigned.
2020-08-06: Fine tuning annotations and statistics mini tours. Switched from Viber to Cap-A app as tour example app.
2020-08-05: Improving mini tours. Now all of them are also available to guests!
2020-08-03: Questionnaire added on Save Annotations click.
July2020-07-31: User may now delete his uploaded relevant articles
2020-07-30: You may now annotate using also Privacy Policies Used. URL evidence done!
2020-07-29: Changed PP and Tos to point to simple HTML files so that annotator works with them. URL evidence almost ready.
2020-07-28: Hid third column in scores info. Consuming URL evidence services.
2020-07-27: Improving pointless.
2020-07-24: Disabled certain mini tours for guests. Fine tuning mini tours. Fixed also scroll to graph!!! Added email parameter to facilitate integration with Caprice. Added pointless mode. Disabled (visually) set expectations link for guests.
2020-07-22: Annotator OK. Improved new tier detection algorithm. Improving redirect dialog giving the option to redirect with a click instead of waiting. Replacing weird characters as username during registration procedure with "...".
2020-07-21: Changed way I check URL to be able to play no matter what the pathname. Friendly eval minor fixes. Added Statistics, Annotations, URL Evidence, Claim app mini tours.
2020-07-20: Annotator ready (only thing missing is updating iframe on save. Need a service update for that). Home page changes proposed by @theo. Changed score names. Added an exception redirecting from http://www.google.com/policies/privacy to https://policies.google.com/privacy. (Daydream elements case)
2020-07-17: Added mobile app proper download link. Save Annotations-Load Annotations-Delete Annotation almost ready!
2020-07-16: Added retrieved date in apps. Added application web site if one exists.
2020-07-15: Friendly evaluation expired. Rewarding evaluation commenced. Relaxed password requirements. Enabled task 03.
2020-07-14: Tours page added. Experimenting with expectations tour.
2020-07-13: Added ToS and Privacy policy provided by @theo. Fixed fast clicker bug by introducing currentPage feature.
2020-07-10: App developers may no longer express expectations for their apps. Improved translation behavior. Fixed the ancient "#" load bug. Introduced icons for privacy policies.
2020-07-09: New home pages. Moment experiments (nice!). Heart is back to indicate favorite in apps.
2020-07-07: Red-green border in registration fix. Replaced my last alert with sweetalert. Fixed avatar mixup when admin and clicking permission details after having checked another user profile (kudos to Ilias and his lizard)
2020-07-03: Languages moved up inside left menu. Added hints pulse next to title. Tables left-aligned. User and apps thumbs before names to fix alignment. Login-register visual updates. TOS added in Info and sending terms to bottom Apps now brings results. Modified load more button to make it stand out more.
2020-07-02: Redesigned and improved User screen. Added All pill in categories.
2020-07-01: Fixed fbclid issue. Added meta headers. CAP-A titles link to portal (login/register). Changed claim visuals. Hid reasonable for other PPPs. Fixed selectAll visible slider even < 100 points bug. Made permissions tab active even if no permissions. Updating community cue too when setting expectations. User may now annotate using All PPPs (asterisk)
June2020-06-26: Updating expectations count in app permissions on set_expectations. Checking username availability onfocusout. Age_verification field part of the form. At last fixed hrysakis deletion bug from Lindau! Added invitation_event functionality. Text wrapping in app and user cards.
2020-06-25: Introducing hints mechanism!
2020-06-24: Hid caprice subscription from registration. New point-giving tasks added. Changed drop-down labels (order-by and tech level). Added new top20 apps tables(installations). Formatting large numbers.
2020-06-23: Fixed various minor issues detected by fgeo. Improved Top20 users screen. Beautifying dropdowns. Removed dummy scores form otherPermissions.
2020-06-22: Age verification added during registration. Also fixed a language bug. Expectations slider enabled only if user has enough points.
2020-06-19: App info screen redesigned to remove app description and optimize it for mobile screens. Top20 screen added!
2020-06-18: Minor adjustments (error message in login/registration when server down, fixing image -rw issue, deselecting other when clicking Select all, deselecting any permissions when clicking in annotator)
2020-06-17: Fixed all issues from @theodore's batch
2020-06-15: Terminology_el updated. Translated active tasks in info screen
2020-06-12: Fixed a couple of bugs. Changed some labels in annotator box. Removed trash beside avatar in user profile and replaced it with a block button at the bottom. Hid delete all favourite actions from all users except me. Tier icons extended. Updated info tasks table. Added language selection on left menu bottom. Added terminology in info and some other changes proposed by jch in mattermost. Fixed eternal "...//" bug.
2020-06-11: Fixing some mobile issues. Testing tier logos (thanks jch). Added confetti animation for new tier
2020-06-10: Added Info screen to make use of vocabularies provided by the backend. Moved permission slider as Alex suggested and added score-tiers as a badge in left menu.
2020-06-04: Updates thanks to IN2 feedback! Improved server connection lost behavior. Improved annotator iframe behavior (to avoid mysterious redirects reported by fgeo and gi). Improved home page for registered users.
2020-06-02: Many updates (visual) to conform with theo's remarks. Cookie bar added.
2020-06-01: RawPPPs simplified. Moved graphCard below permissionButtons (fgeo). Hid app ribbon number (fgeo). Set video max-width same as image (jch). Session cookie extended to 8 hours. Expectation slider is now disabled when no permission (elli). Deselect all button added (elli). Favorite heart icons revisited. UserFavs now in sessionStorage to avoid persistent storage across users. Added app icon in permissions tab too (jch).
May2020-05-29: Upload evidence functionality (visually) functional. Fixed "showing points twice" bug. Added favourites count in menu. Replaced annotator "asterisk" with "square". Registration form caprice links added.
2020-05-26: RawPPPs used to show detailed permissions to user.
2020-05-25: Hid "Select all" when no PPPs. Introduced "Similar apps" functionality).
2020-05-21: Fixed "" tier bug. Fixed "Showing favorites icon even for guests" bug.
2020-05-19: Getting points for adding favorites and set expectations is now functional. Polishing avatar URL change and reorganizing user profile with points progress bar to next tier.
2020-05-18: Added user tier next to user points. Get cue from backend instead of calculating it. Now using real values for details instead of keys.
2020-05-12: Portal now has updated annotator (pdf support+find functionality). Added Edge-like eye to view passwords.
2020-05-11: Changed overall scores badges mapping. Updated annotator to support pdf and find functionality (have to add it in cap-a now)
2020-05-05: Revisited details reason buttons. Showing (almost) correct values (Still missing attribute values). Fixed a bug with setExpectations in greek. Polishing scores with colored badges and not just percentages.
2020-05-04: Introduced snackbar to show user notifications (points atm)
April2020-04-30: Updates to conform with backend's latest updates. Scores are now rounded and colored (scorify method). Updating community score, expectation and stats on user vote!
2020-04-28: Permissions icons now also in app info tab. Details now appear when annotator is visible (pending redesign).
2020-04-27: Set expectations now functional
2020-04-24: Changing PPPs names to start with acc_. Using actual data for grade and graph for the first time! Added 6 new PPPs (DPO etc) named "Other Permissions"
2020-04-22: Changed annotator show/hide functionality. Changed services to dev to test new functionality. Swapped description and scores divs inside app screen.
2020-04-14: Visual changes in permissions tab. Fixed a bug when filtering searched by keyword results in Greek
March2020-03-31: Fixed 3 minor issues (favorites-undefined category-misplaced tour step)
2020-03-26: Some annotator improvements
2020-03-20: Portal 100% percent multilingual
2020-03-19: Portal 90% percent multilingual
2020-03-17: Added extra info inside annotator window about the policy file
2020-03-16: Change and forgot password operational!
2020-03-11: Added order by in users screen. Reorganizing user screen and adding new functionalities.
2020-03-10: Bug fixes. Added Caprice community and audit my apps functionality. Added order by in apps screen.
2020-03-09: Extended el/en to login-register pages. Next step will be attributes and dynamic content translations. Fixed "Load more" issue.
2020-03-06: Updated cap-a-appserver to new version and fixed various issues. Trying to become bilingual...
February2020-02-20: Added card tools in statistics. Fixed a double-history entry issue.
2020-02-19: Annotator modes not needed and therefore hidden. Getting annotations JSON on save
2020-02-13: Permissions tab reconstructed!
2020-02-10: Visual updates (separate cap-A and Google info, add labels in register and login, changed Login to Login/Register). Tour is now available for users too (conditional steps implemented).
2020-02-07: Working on action points from Lindau (modified verification success message, changed "No category selected", added grayet-out menu items for guests)
January2020-01-31: Replaced tourguide.js with intro.js (behaves better). Simplified permissions tab by hiding detailed view.
2020-01-30: Added a tour API. Apps are now aware of their developer (claim app icon is missing if app is yours)
2020-01-29: Updated code to conform with cap-a-appserver changes. Changed "Updated Date" to "Retrieved Date" and also added Categories in app screen. Fixed a chart bug. Added all permissions icon and improved ToS handling.
2020-01-27: Improving permissions tab behavior in mobile mode.
2020-01-24: Annotator is now a web service, retrieving actual TOS
2020-01-22: First annotator implementation added
2020-01-20: Added administrator queries and improved height-width.
2020-01-17: Changed username and password restrictions. Added users and apps count badge. Fixed a race bug affecting category Pills. Designed breadcrumbs mechanism. Added Dashboard stats.
2020-01-16: Fixed hidden filter bug. Added users and user apps case insensitive filters. Switched from registrationDate to registrationDateString. Fixing accessibility issues. Delete all favourites added.
2020-01-15: Visual updates on App permissions tab to conform to Theo's remarks in RedMine. Renamed from Dashboard to Portal. Installed apps works! Claim App+Developed apps functional.
2020-01-14: Changed "Installed" and "Users" icons to make them unique. Added social and home links.
2020-01-13: Hid Favourite and Installed for guests. Changed Updated date to more readable format provided by backend. Added favorite functionality (Add fav, remove fav, view all favs)! Will probably also work for installed... Fixed URL issue with multiple slashes. Added welcome page and changed flow accordingly.
2020-01-10: Fixing mixed content due to unsafe gravatar.
2020-01-09: Admin may now delete users from users screen too. User may delete himself. Reset Profile is now functional. Swal mechanism improved. Added flags in nationality combo.
2020-01-08: Updated Users screen (admin-only) and revisited whole users scenario. Delete user is now functional (deleted myself :()
2019-12-16: Added user info and profile screen. User may now update his/her profile
2019-12-10: Added extra check on login. Showing points and email for all users. Locked permissions tab only for registered users and prompt user to register. Toggle switch when user clicks parent card (will probably change custom switch in the future).
2019-12-06: Used authorized service successfully. Logging with email too. Showing avatar and email (if logged with it) in user info. Hiding username for small screens to avoid overflow.
2019-12-05: Implemented user registration and authentication functionality. Using cookies at the moment. Replaced alerts with sweetalerts2.
2019-12-04: Implementing user registration and authentication functionality
November2019-11-27: Modified permissions behavior to approach Theo's design
2019-11-19: Facelift to approach cap-a visuals. Added its footer too.
2019-11-15: Changed pie chart to half doughnut. Labels also to approach Theo's design
2019-11-08: App screen more or less complete. Fixed a URL encoding bug.
2019-11-07: First entry