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Participation at Bizrupt Webinar with the topic: Digital Footprint

Ioannis Chrysakis on belalf of CAPrice Community participated in a very interesting and successful webinar organized by Bizrupt with the topic: Digital Footprint.

In the webinar several members of HomoDigitalis participated. HomoDigitalis is the first and only non-profit organization in Greece which aims to protect the digital rights of citizens.

Ioannis had the opportunity to describe how citizens can contribute to the direction of improving data protection policies by presenting a bottom-up solution to the topic of digital privacy.

In this context he presented tools that are developing in the European project CAP-A which is enhanced by the CAPrice Community.

CAP-A project will offer tools that are populated by users’ privacy concerns and expectations to finally evaluate mobile apps privacy friendliness.

These tools are the following: a privacy portal and a privacy dashboard, terms of service annotator and a mobile application.

A relevant post regarding this event has been written in Bora’s blog by Anastasios Arampatsis and is available in this link.